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Over $600,000 in scholarships granted to local students

More than $600,000 in scholarships were granted to area students through the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore in the 2019 fiscal year. The Foundation, which holds more than 180 scholarships funds, disbursed the scholarships to over 400 students.

“With the rising cost of education, scholarship funds are more important than ever,” says Community Foundation President Erica Joseph. “Scholarship funds at CFES are a valuable resource for people who want to help local students.”

The available scholarships have individual criteria and focus on a variety of study areas, however, not every scholarship is for graduating seniors or four-year college students, or straight-A students.

“Our scholarships are created by individuals, families, or businesses that are passionate about encouraging an area of study, memorializing a loved one, or simply extending a helping hand, so there is a little something for everyone,” says Joseph. “These scholarships open new doors that allow students to turn their dreams into a reality. There is no question that the Lower Eastern Shore is made a better place by community members who are investing in our future leaders.”

For a full list of scholarships, criteria, and applications, visit CFES.org/scholarships.

Recent scholarship awardees:

Umar Arshad is a fourth year student at the University of Virginia with a double major in Neuroscience and Economics and attended Snow Hill High School. Umar received the four year Hancock Family Snow Hill High Scholarship, which he says was monumental in allowing him to pursue his studies. Umar has plans to attend medical school, enter the surgical field, and continue medical research and health care policy change.

Grayson Laird – Grayson is a 2019 graduate of Holly Grove Christian School who will be attending Salisbury University in the fall. He was awarded the 2019 Purnell D. White Memorial Scholarship. He plans to major in education and minor in agriculture. Grayson also received the Community Foundation’s 2019 TFC Edward A. Plank, Jr. Memorial Scholarship. Pictured left to right: Grayson Laird, Ron Peterman, BJ Summers, and Steve White present the Purnell D. White Memorial Scholarship to Grayson Laird at Farmers and Planters Too.

Jeremiah Copeland - Jeremiah is a Junior at Salisbury University. He was a 2017 graduate of James M. Bennett High School and was recently awarded the 2019 Community Singers Scholarship at the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council Annual Meeting Lunch. Left to right: Bettie Messick, Jeremiah Copeland, Dr. Arlene White.

Jessica Greene - Jessica received the Wicomico High School Class of 1963 scholarship, the Helen C. Wootton Salisbury Rotary Club Memorial Scholarship, and the Elizabeth Brittingham Pusey Scholarship, all of which are held at CFES. She will be attending Howard University and majoring in Biology.

Miranda Conner, 2019 graduate of Crisfield High School, received the A. Asbury & Donna Morgan Parks Scholarship. Amanda is attending Salisbury University and is planning a career in nursing. Left to right: Donna Morgan Parks and Miranda Conner.

Erin Smith - Erin is a Stephen Decatur graduate who is attending Christopher Newport University. Erin received the 4 year William B. Blank DACA Scholarship for those who intend on pursuing a career in agriculture or turf management. She is majoring in Biology with minors in Business Administration and Leadership Studies.

Maura Dean, 2019 graduate of Pocomoke High School, received the Louise Smith Scholarship and is attending Salisbury University. Maura also received the OC Parrot Head Scholarship and the Salem United Methodist Church Iris Hitchens Memorial Scholarship, each held at and managed by the Community Foundation. Left to right: Louise Smith, Maura Dean, BJ Summers.


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