More than $600,000 in scholarships were granted to area students through the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore in the 2019 fiscal year. The Foundation, which holds more than 180 scholarships funds, disbursed the scholarships to over 400 students.
“With the rising cost of education, scholarship funds are more important than ever,” says Community Foundation President Erica Joseph. “Scholarship funds at CFES are a valuable resource for people who want to help local students.”
The available scholarships have individual criteria and focus on a variety of study areas, however, not every scholarship is for graduating seniors or four-year college students, or straight-A students.
“Our scholarships are created by individuals, families, or businesses that are passionate about encouraging an area of study, memorializing a loved one, or simply extending a helping hand, so there is a little something for everyone,” says Joseph. “These scholarships open new doors that allow students to turn their dreams into a reality. There is no question that the Lower Eastern Shore is made a better place by community members who are investing in our future leaders.”
For a full list of scholarships, criteria, and applications, visit
Recent scholarship awardees:
