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Giving Tuesday raises record breaking $218,138 in 24 hour event

102 Lower Shore nonprofits participated in Shore Gives More Campaign

A day celebrating philanthropy for Lower Shore nonprofits culminated in a recording breaking $218,138 raised for 102 Lower Shore nonprofits. More than 2,200 donations were made during the 5th annual Shore Gives More Giving Tuesday campaign.

Giving Tuesday, held each year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, is an international 24-hour online giving movement. The local campaign, known as The Shore Gives More, is hosted by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore and assists nonprofits serving the Lower Shore counties with the fundraising effort. By providing an online donation portal, marketing, and technical support, the campaign makes a significant impact through collective philanthropy.

“Giving Tuesday really allows our local community and nonprofits to shine,” says Erica Joseph, CFES President. “As the event grows each year, new nonprofits and donors join in on the celebrations and together, we create a tremendous impact in our corner of the world.”

The Shore Gives More was first launched as a Giving Tuesday campaign for the Lower Eastern Shore in 2015 and raised just under $7,500 in its first year.

“Giving Tuesday shows us that donations big and small really add up for our local nonprofits. Your gift can truly make a difference in the work these nonprofits do,” says Joseph. “Being a philanthropist doesn’t require a large checkbook, it only requires a passionate heart.”

The campaign received sponsorships from 47 ABC and Shore United Bank which significantly increased the campaign presence. In addition to donations, nonprofits could earn incentive grants through contributions made by The Hershey Family Fund and The Perdue Family Fund at The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.

To learn more about the “Shore Gives More” Giving Tuesday campaign for local nonprofits visit cfes.org or ShoreGivesMore.org to view individual nonprofit totals.


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