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Community Foundation Announces New Member to Board of Directors

The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore welcomes a new member to its board of directors following formal announcement at the Foundation’s Annual Meeting Friday, November 7th at The Fountains Conference Center in Salisbury.

The new board member elected to serve a three-year term is Gayle Widdowson whose family has been involved with the Community Foundation for three generations. Her mother, Ginny Korff, was one of its founders and her grandfather, Avery Hall, one of the earliest contributors. Gayle follows in her family’s generous footsteps with decades of service to our community. She is a lifetime member of PRMC’s Junior Auxiliary Board. She serves on the boards of the Art League of Ocean City and the John B. Parons Home. And she is the current chairperson of Coastal Hospice’s Development Committee, with a major focus on Coastal Hospice at the Ocean in Berlin. Gayle is also a visionary founder of the Community Foundation’s Women’s Fund where she serves on the advisory board, and is a member of the Women’s Circle at Salisbury University.

Gayle is a mother of three, grandmother of two, and has been married to her husband, attorney Dirk Widdowson for 39 years.

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