
Whatever you want your charitable legacy to be, we can help you make it is possible through a planned gift. Through thoughtful planning, you have the ability to create a permanent legacy that honors your interests and lets them live on forever. A planned gift is one that is arranged during your life, but comes to fruition after you pass. Those who leave a gift to the Foundation in their will or through some other deferred giving plan are eligible to join our Legacy Society. Learn about our Legacy Society here >
As a trusted partner in giving, we work closely with individuals, families, and professional advisors to ensure your charitable wishes are honored in perpetuity while also maximizing tax benefits. There are many creative and flexible giving options to achieve your unique charitable vision.
Popular Planned Giving Options
Plan now, give later, by including a legacy provision through your will or trust. Bequests can take the form of a specific item, a specific amount of money, or a percent of your estate. The Foundation would be happy to provide you and your attorney with suggested language to include in your will or trust. Your bequest can be used to establish a charitable fund (or add to an existing fund) at CFES that speaks to your charitable intentions and can be changed later simply contacting the Foundation.
View our bequest template here >
Retirement Plan
Designating CFES as a beneficiary of your retirement plan is an opportunity to maximize your charitable impact while avoiding income and estate tax penalties. Retirement Plan assets are some of the most heavily taxed estate assets; therefore, it may be more effective for you to transfer these assets to a tax-exempt organization, such as CFES, and leave less heavily taxed assets to your loved ones.
Life Insurance
Giving through a life insurance policy is a simple way to establish your legacy of giving, with tax benefits you can enjoy during your lifetime. Options include naming CFES the owner and irrevocable beneficiary of an existing, paid-up policy or a policy that you continue to pay the premiums. Upon your passing, the proceeds from the policy will establish a charitable fund (or add to an existing fund) according to your charitable intentions.
Retained Life Estate (Residence or Farm)
Turn property values into a charitable gift of real estate. A retained life estate allows you to use and enjoy your home (or vacation property) without disruption as long as you like, while giving future ownership to CFES. When the retained life estate ends, the proceeds from the property’s sale can establish a charitable fund at CFES to support your charitable interests.
Gifts That Pay You Income
There also are a number of planned giving options that provide income to you while creating a charitable fund that will award grants in perpetuity to the causes you care about.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity is a way for you and/or a loved one to receive a fixed and secure stream of income for life. When you make this type of charitable gift (using cash or securities) to Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, the Foundation makes a commitment to pay a fixed amount to you (and/or a loved one) for the remainder of your lifetime. After all payments have been made, the remaining assets are then contributed to your fund at the Foundation to accomplish your specific charitable goals. Income levels paid to you (and/or a loved one) depend on your age. You also receive a partial income tax deduction in the year you set up the gift.
Charitable Lead Trust
A charitable lead trust is the mirror image of a charitable remainder trust. Income of the trust is paid regularly to a charitable fund at CFES for a specific period of time (or the lifetime of the donor). When the trust term expires, the remaining assets are distributed to you, or more typically, your children or other loved ones, usually with significant transfer tax savings.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Making a gift to establish a charitable remainder trust allows you to support the community, retain an income stream and receive a substantial charitable income tax deduction. The trust pays either you or a designated beneficiary a series of fixed or variable payments for life or for a fixed term (not to exceed 20 years), or a combination of the two. You also receive an immediate charitable tax deduction for the present value of the gift the year the gift is made. When the trust term expires, the remainder is then distributed into your charitable fund at CFES.